On Tuesday,
September 22, 2015 until Friday, October 2, 2015 (except for weekends), we, the
grade 9 students, will have to recall all those lessons we learned in classes
for all the subjects we have. We will have our first midterm exams for the
school year 2015-2016.
For the first
week, our dismissal time will be as usual, 2.45 PM, and as for the second week
we will be dismissed early at 12.30 PM so we will have more time to study for
the exam on the next day, although we will continue our lessons as usual on the
last day of the exams. The exams on the first week will be the
not-so-complicated subjects such as PE, art, ICT, and music. Class 9A will
start the exams earlier than 9B, they will have their PE test on Tuesday, September
22, 2015, and 9B will start their exams one day later. Although on the first
week, there will be a one day break on Thursday, September 24, 2015, since
there will be Eid al-Adha (or Idul Adha in Indonesian).
After the
midterm exam ends, we will have to attend school on Saturday, October 3, 2015,
because there will be an open house, and we will use Monday schedule and we
will be dismissed as usual. In exchange for our hard work to study for the
exams, we will then have our midterm break on October 5, 2015 – October 12,
2015 and we will resume our class on Tuesday, October 13, 2015.
By: Tamara